About Us
Corporate Orientation
Our Mission
"Lasting prosperity for sugarcane worker homes and other communities."
Assist each SIMAG beneficiary in maximizing its full potential by providing professional opportunities and services.
Our Vission
To serve as a catalyst in transforming a home in sugarcane farms and other communities to a prosperous household in a progressive community.
Goals and Objectives
- To harness all available human, natural and material resources for the social, political, economic and spiritual upliftment of the quality of life of the sugarcane workers in Silay City and E. B. Magalona and other communities.
- To facilitate and engage in activities which can provide relief assistance primarily to distressed families of sugar workers, and secondarily to other beneficiaries which may be decided by the Board
- To facilitate and provide educational services which will improve the livelihood skill health care, community-oriented values and democratic ideals of the working communities.
- To facilitate the implementation of livelihood projects that could address the food deficiency and malnutrition problems, and which could provide or generate extra income.
- To facilitate, engage and promote basic social services which will improve the living conditions of the working communities.
SIMAG Foundation, Inc. started as a socioeconomic committee in 1987 to respond to the sugar crises affecting the sugar industry particularly in the district of Silay City and Municipality of E.B. Magalona, province of Negros Occidental, Philippines. The committee was composed of volunteer citizens mostly sugarcane field landowners in the district, who joined hands to combat the widespread poverty, malnutrition and worsening economic difficulties affecting the sugarcane workers and their families.
Realizing later that more has to be done to uplift the quality of life of the communities, the socio-economic committee was officially established as SIMAG FOUNDATION, INC. in March 9, 1989, a non-stock, non-profit social development organization governed by its Constitution and By-Laws. The word “SIMAG” comes from the Foundation’s area of coverage; SIlay City and the Municipality of E.B. MAGalona.
SIMAG is continuously growing with the partnership of Asociacion de Hacenderos de Silay-Saravia, Inc. (AHSSI), who stood by the foundation from inception up to today. Now it has owns a Training Center of Food Processing, Shielded Metal Arc Welding Shop, Garment Factory and with Session Hall, Multi-Purpose Hall, Dormitory and Kitchen which is managed by women beneficiaries, working students and out-of-school youth.
Who We Are...
SIMAG is the sugar industry’s response to the moral and social obligations to the district, aware of its role in the difficult task of nation building.
Through out its existence, SIMAG Foundation participates as lead implementer and/or partner in the government and non-government programs and projects. This cooperation makes many benefits available to its beneficiaries, the sugarcane workers, and their dependents. More importantly, these experiences continually hone SIMAG skills as an NGO Human Development Foundation. On its second decade, the Foundation tackles medium and long term aspects of poverty alleviation.
The Board